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Comparisons of Handheld Fiber Laser Welding And Other Welding

Views: 3698     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-02-01      Origin: Site

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Advantages of hand held fiber laser welding machine

  • Portability: Handheld fiber laser welding machines are compact and lightweight, making them easy to maneuver and transport.

  • Precision: The high-quality laser beam produced by these machines allows for precise and accurate welding, minimizing the need for rework and reducing waste.

  • Speed: Handheld fiber laser welding machines are much faster than traditional welding methods, enabling higher productivity and efficiency.

  • Energy efficiency: Fiber lasers are more energy-efficient than other types of lasers, reducing operating costs and promoting sustainability.

  • Non-contact welding: The non-contact nature of laser welding reduces the risk of part damage and allows for the welding of delicate or sensitive materials.

  • Minimal heat input: Handheld fiber laser welding machines produce a smaller heat-affected zone compared to other welding methods, reducing the risk of warping and deformation.

Comparisons of different welding

ItemsTraditional WeldingYAG Laser WeldingFiber Laser Welding
Heat InputHighLowLow
Deformation, UndercutLargeSmallSmall
Bond strengthGenerallyGoodExcellent
Follow-up processPolishingHardly everHardly ever
Welding speedOrdinary

More than 2 times of

argon arc welding

More than 2 times of

argon arc welding

Weld spotLarge welding spotFine welding spot, adjustableFine welding spot, adjustable
Applicable materialsStainless steel, carbon steel, galvanized sheetStainless steel, carbon steel, galvanized sheetStainless steel, carbon steel, galvanized sheet
ConsumablesLots of consumablesLess consumablesLess consumables
Operation difficultyDifficultNormalEasy
Operator safetyUnsafeSafeSafe
Environment protectionUn-environment friendlyEnvironment friendlyEnvironment friendly
Welding toleranceGoodNot goodGood
Swing weldingNoNoYes
Spot width adjustableNoNoYes
Welding qualityLessNormalExcellent
AppearenceUnsightly and expensive to polishSmooth and beautiful, low grinding costSmooth and beautiful, low cost
PerforationEasy to pierceNon-perforated, energy adjustableNon-perforated, energy adjustable
Protective gasArgon gas requiredArgon gas requiredArgon gas required
Precision of machiningGenerallyPrecisionPrecision

Note: Other welding methods, such as TIG welding, may have advantages in certain applications, such as welding thin materials or welding in tight spaces. The choice of welding method depends on the specific requirements of the application.